Infinity Medical Aesthetics


Injectables |Fillers


Filler is a treatment using hyaluronic acid (a substance that occurs naturally in the body) to restore lost volume, improve wrinkles, hydrate and plump the skin.

Pre & Post Care

Please arrive to your appointment with clean skin and no make-up, if possible. If not, we will remove it for you! Avoid blood thinning agents (think anti-inflammatory medications: Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin; supplements such as Vitamin E, fish oil; and alcohol). Avoid these medications/supplements for 2 weeks prior to treatment. Please do not stop taking prescription blood thinners without consulting your primary care doctor first. Avoid alcohol for 48 prior to treatment. To reduce your risk of bruising you can start taking Arnica tablets 1 week prior to injection. These can be purchased OTC (Amazon). Take as directed per the label. If you have a history of cold sores (and are getting lip treatment or lip maintenance), pre-treat with your antiviral medication 3 days prior to injection. If you do not have a prescription, please contact Infinity. You are not eligible for treatment with an active lesion. No dental procedures for two weeks pre and post filler injections. No vaccines two weeks pre and post filler injections. Do not plan any big events (weddings, etc.) for 1 month post filler. It can take a few weeks for bruising and swelling to subside and about a month for the product to settle into the tissue. Eat a small meal before you come to your appointment. You are not a candidate for treatment if you are pregnant or nursing.

Don’t massage the injection site. You can do your evening skincare routine as you normally would, just don’t massage. No massage, facials or facial scrubbing brushes for 14 days. No heavy sweating for 24 hours- avoid saunas, steam rooms and hot tubs. Keep the injection site clean. No makeup for at least 24 hours.
Tylenol and ice as needed for pain relief and swelling. Avoid Ibuprofen. You can continue taking Arnica until bruising subsides.
Avoid tanning or prolonged sun exposure until swelling has improved. Attempt to sleep on your back for at least the first night after treatment. If you had lip filler, avoid straws, smoking and pursed lip movements for 24 hours after your injection.
Some swelling, redness, bruising or lumps are normal. Some soreness and temporary numbness is normal. Increasing or intense pain is not normal. Please contact Infinity if you are experiencing this.

injection site redness, bruising and swelling is to be expected, and usually subsides within a few days. Please schedule treatments at least two weeks before any events; one month is best.

Areas of



This can be done in the same appointment or two separate appointments. Before your treatment, your provider will address your concerns and discuss a treatment plan specific to you. Treatment can be done in about 1 hour. You will have immediate results when you leave the office. If you are new to Infinity, we will see you back for a recheck around week 4. Treatment typically lasts 12+ months.

For cost specific to your treatment, please call the office to schedule a complimentary consultation. Cost for filler varies per patient. Filler per syringe ranges from $700. We also offer package pricing for full face treatments.

Areas of


This can be done in the same appointment or two separate appointments. Before your treatment, your provider will address your concerns and discuss a treatment plan specific to you. Treatment can be done in about 1 hour. You will have immediate results when you leave the office. If you are new to Infinity, we will see you back for a recheck around week 4. Treatment typically lasts 12+ months.

For cost specific to your treatment, please call the office to schedule a complimentary consultation. Cost for filler varies per patient. Filler per syringe ranges from $700. We also offer package pricing for full face treatments.

Lip Treatment

Lip filler for volume and shape enhancement with an after care kit. Typically 1 syringe per treatment.

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Lip Maintenance

Annual maintenance for current Infinity lip filler patients. Typically 0.5-1 syringe per treatment.

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Chin Treatment

Filler used to shape and define the chin for a more youthful appearance and balanced profile. Typically 1-4 syringes per treatment.

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Cheek Treatment

Filler treatment to replace lost volume and contour the cheeks. This treatment can also help improve the appearance of nasolabial folds (smile lines). Typically 1-4 syringes per treatment.

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Tear Trough Treatment

Filler treatment for tired or sunken eyes. Typically 1 syringe per treatment.

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Jawline Treatment

Filler treatment used to sculpt and define the jawline. Typically 2-4 syringes per treatment.

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Full Face Rejuvenation

Filler treatment to address multiple areas providing the most natural treatment. Please contact Infinity for a consultation to determine a treatment plan with a cost estimate.

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