Please arrive to your appointment with clean skin and no make-up, if possible. If not, we will remove it for you! Avoid blood thinning agents (think anti-inflammatory medications: Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin; supplements such as Vitamin E, fish oil; and alcohol). Avoid these medications/supplements for 2 weeks prior to treatment. Please do not stop taking prescription blood thinners without consulting your primary care doctor first. Avoid alcohol for 48 prior to treatment. To reduce your risk of bruising you can start taking Arnica tablets 1 week prior to injection. These can be purchased OTC (Amazon). Take as directed per the label. No dental procedures for two weeks pre and post filler injections. No vaccines two weeks pre and post filler injections. Do not plan any big events (weddings, etc.) for 1 month post Skinvive. It can take a few weeks for bruising and swelling to subside. Eat a small meal before you come to your appointment. You are not a candidate for treatment if you are pregnant or nursing.
No heavy sweating for 24 hours- avoid saunas, steam rooms and hot tubs. Keep the injection site clean. No makeup for at least 24 hours.
Tylenol and ice as needed for pain relief and swelling. Avoid Ibuprofen. You can continue taking Arnica if you have any bruising.
Avoid tanning or prolonged sun exposure until swelling has improved. Some swelling, redness, bruising or lumps are normal. Some soreness and temporary numbness is normal. Increasing or intense pain is not normal. Please contact Infinity if you are experiencing this.
Minimal injection site redness and swelling is to be expected, but usually subsides within a few minutes after treatment. There is minimal downtime for this treatment, but always a risk of bruising. Please schedule treatments at least two weeks before any events; one month is best.
This is done in the same appointment. Your provider will address your concerns, and come up with a treatment plan specific to you. Treatment can be done in about 15 minutes. You will start to notice results in about 1 week, with full effectiveness at 4 weeks post treatment. Treatment typically lasts 6 months. This treatment can be added on to another service, like Botox/Dysport.
Starting at $400, pricing varies for each patient and area of treatment.
This is done in the same appointment. Your provider will address your concerns, and come up with a treatment plan specific to you. Treatment can be done in about 15 minutes. You will start to notice results in about 1 week, with full effectiveness at 4 weeks post treatment. Treatment typically lasts 6 months. This treatment can be added on to another service, like Botox/Dysport.
Starting at $400, pricing varies for each patient and area of treatment.